With our 24-Hour Care services, individuals can feel confident that their freedom matters above all. At Helping Individuals Succeed, we offer opportunities for personal growth, social/recreational activity, supported living arrangements, and more. We take pride in our care for our individuals’ health and wellbeing while providing personalized home and community-based care that will get them feeling great and ready to conquer each day.

As the care of our individuals is of utmost importance, we make sure our Behavioral Support staff is able to assist members in building positive behaviors to replace or reduce a challenging/dangerous behavior.
This service is available for individuals age 21 and older and includes comprehensive assessment, the development of and revisions to a behavioral support plan that includes strategies to support the individual based upon assessment, and the provision of interventions and training to individuals, staff, and caregivers.
Behavioral support is very important; therefore, there are two levels of service that reflect the differing levels of provider qualifications and the needs of the individual.

At Helping Individuals Succeed, we offer professional, reliable companion care. This service is far less intensive and non-medical. Activities like taking care of a pet, driving to doctor appointments, light household cleaning, preparing meals, grocery shopping, washing dishes or clothes, watering plants, and other small errands are included. The goal of our companion care is primarily emotional support and socialization while making sure our individuals don't feel stifled in their day-to-day habits.
This service is intended to assist an individual who is age 18 or older to participate more meaningfully in home and community life.

If independent living is something you are interested in, Helping Individuals Succeed will be more than happy to provide you with a licensed community home and living support.
We strive to give individuals the opportunity to experience all the successes and failures of living truly independently while supporting them and assisting them to make sound decisions involving all aspects of their life.
Our Residential Habilitation program believes that all participants have the right to govern their own destiny and experience all the successes and failures in striving to achieve the goal of real independence.

We believe that working is one of the many foundational points of freedom for our individuals. Helping Individuals Succeed provides ongoing support in the competitive work environment for members who choose to pursue work.
Supported Employment services are provided in a variety of community settings for the purposes of supporting individuals in obtaining and sustaining competitive integrated employment.
Competitive integrated employment refers to full or part-time work at minimum wage or higher, with wages and benefits similar to workers without disabilities performing the same work, and fully integrated with coworkers without disabilities.

These are services that are provided to supervise and support individuals living in private homes on a short-term basis for planned or emergency situations, giving the person(s) normally providing care a period of relief that may be scheduled or due to an emergency.
There is a limit of 480 units per fiscal year in the Consolidated waiver and 1,440 units per fiscal year in the P/FDS and Community Living waivers with a variance process to request additional units

As offering positive choices is a part of our continued goals, Community Participation Support is intended to flexibly wrap around or otherwise support community life secondary to employment, as a primary goal while spreading positivity to others.
Helping Individuals Succeed provides this service as a means of opportunities and support for community inclusion, as well as developing skills and potential for competitive integrated employment.
Exploration and development of an individual's interests with the goal of developing and sustaining a network of natural supports are stressed.

These are services that are provided to supervise and support individuals living in private homes on a short-term basis for planned or emergency situations, giving the person(s) normally providing care a period of relief that may be scheduled or due to an emergency.
There is a limit of 30 units per fiscal year with a variance process to request additional units.

Chore services consist of services needed to maintain the home in a clean, sanitary, and safe condition. Chore services consist of heavy household activities such as washing floors, windows, and walls; tacking down loose rugs and tiles; moving heavy items of furniture in order to provide safe access and egress; ice, snow, and/or leaf removal; and yard maintenance. In the case of rental property, the responsibility of the landlord, pursuant to the lease agreement, will be examined prior to any authorization of service. Maintenance in the form of upkeep and improvements to the participant’s home

Having to complete a supermarket run can be a bit of a nuisance. Helping Individuals Succeed is here to make sure there are no more inconveniences to your time or your pockets.
We sell and deliver groceries at an extreme discount. Your first order is $5.00 off. Ready to hand your grocery list over?

Our non-medical transport service, also known as Paratransit is a great way for members to get around. Helping Individuals Succeed recognizes that there are individuals who are unable to use the fixed-route bus or rail system serving their location.
Our Paratransit services allow scheduling and routing flexibility and routing. We try our best to make sure drivers are properly trained to accommodate the specific needs of our riders.